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"Pray Attention"

We invite you to pay attention to the presence of God

in your life and in our life together this Lent.


These resources seek to offer practices that explore stillness, Scripture, and song as faithful ways to pray. 


Weekly reflections invite you to reflect & respond to the stirrings of your spirit as you pray in this sacred season.


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on your own

in community

  • Visit Mercy Center - Attend First Friday 8pm Taize prayer in the Chapel 

  • Pray with the monks of Taize

  • Leave a prayer on the Healing Team prayer mural in the Parish Hall

  • Attend Tongan worship at 1pm (pray in another language)

  • Walk or sit by the Skillings Garden Labyrinth

  • Come and listen in our St. Paul’s Columbarium (use the brochure to pray with what you may see and hear)

  • Worship with many youth at our Choir Festival weekend (March Evensong)

with poets

suggested places to walk to listen for birdsong:

  • Cloister at St. Paul’s, Burlingame

  • Coyote Point, San Mateo
  • Nob Hill Pond, Redwood City
  • North Lake at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Prayer Practices


communal celebrations of Christ's Risen life among us

Oct 15--recessional crucifer and acolytes.jpeg

postures that invite us to pause and listen for the Holy Spirit


sacred stories that reconnect us with the Creator's loving-kindness

The Bible Challenge_ Read the Whole Bible in a Year.jpg

sounds that reveal God's presence, within us and the wider world

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