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"I will sing with the spirit, and with the understanding also."


– 1 Corinthians 14:15

Music is an integral part of our worship life at St. Paul’s. In our intergenerational choir ministry, affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), boys and girls join equally with teens and adults in offering music to the glory of God.

Director of Music  

Since the fall of 2005, Susan Jane Matthews has been the Director of Music at St. Paul’s Burlingame. She is organist, director of the Chancel Choir, and the founding director of the St. Paul’s Choir School for boys and girls.  She has served as Director of Music at St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral, Boise, Idaho and as Principal Organist of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. Dr. Matthews holds a Bachelor of Arts from Haverford College and a Masters of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in organ performance and literature from the Eastman School of Music. She has presented choral and organ workshops at American Guild of Organists Conventions, and has served as an organist and as junior girls headmaster at the Royal School of Church Music training course at King’s College in her hometown of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.  As a concert organist, she has performed throughout the United States and in Europe, and has been featured on several American radio programs.

Director of Music
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