Prayers for Victims of Mass Shootings
We invite you to join us in ongoing prayer for all who have been affected amid the recent mass shootings in California, as we pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died whose names have been released* and those whose names may become known in the days ahead. Please continue to uphold all who have been touched by gun violence in prayer.
Valentino Alvero
Yetao Bing
Qizhong Cheng
Hong Jian
Marciano Martinez Jimenez
Yu Kao
Lilian Li
Zhishen Liu
Jingzhi Lu
Ming Wei Ma
Mymy Nhan
Jose Romero Perez
Diana Tom
Huu Can Tran
Muoi Ung
Chia Yau
Wen Yu
Xiujuan Yu
Aixiang Zhang
*As of Wednesday, January 25.
O God who remembers, we hold before you all who have died from the plague of gun violence in our land. We remember those who have taken their lives with a gun, those who have died in school shootings and mass shootings, those who have died from gun violence fueled by anger, by abuse, by accident, by domestic violence, or by crime. We lift our voices in sorrow and frustration knowing that every life is infinitely valuable to you. Receive all who have died into the arms of your mercy, bless those who mourn with the hope of eternal life, and strengthen our hearts and our arms to bring an end to this scourge. This we pray in the name of the one who overcame the power of death, your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
—Bishops United Against Gun Violence
above prayer is taken from the Bishop's Once Again Statement

Pastoral Care – We Are Here for YOU!
We remain a community connected in God's love even in this necessary social distancing. The pastoral staff is still at work and available for you, especially during these unsettling and anxious times.
The Rev. Sarah C. Stewart can be reached via email at sstewart@sptaulsburlingame.org or by calling (650) 348.4811.
Ms. Jocelyn A. Sideco via email at jsideco@stpaulsburlingame.org or social media and Zoom by appointment or by calling (650) 348.4811.
We want to know you are cared for and not alone. Please don't hesitate to reach out to let us.

We are United Against Racism
This phrase and stance are taken from the National Council of Churches' book, United Against Racism: Churches for Change. “Authentic Christianity requires the loving inclusion of all God’s creation. An inclusive, beloved community is a community free from racism. United Against Racism is a call to an authentic Christianity, a religion that strives to become God’s inclusive, beloved community. It summons Christians to pray, think, and act to end racism. This resource aims to support churches, communions, and those who endeavor to share the journey of the Christian faith in the pursuit of an unfinished agenda to embody a more excellent way of racial equity.”
The Rev. Thomas Skillings and our Vestry published this letter on July 8, 2020.
Listen to him address our commitment: Listen to his full sermon (July 5):
Racial Justice Working Group
A smaller group of Vestry members, staff, and parishioners contribute to the coordination and resourcing of anti-racism education throughout the programming year.
Featured Resources
Resources for Racial Reconciliation and Justice: https://episcopalchurch.org/racial-reconciliation/resources
Responding to Racist Violence: https://episcopalchurch.org/responding-to-racist-violence
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