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Paul’s Giving
Tree is helping
local families who are
clients of Samaritan House provide
a merrier Christmas for their children.
You are invited to join in the Giving Tree by
         choosing a food or gift item(s) from the tree starting on Sunday,
November 19 until December 3 and turning your food or gift items in by
December 10 so they can
be delivered to
the families
we are helping

St. Paul’s Giving Tree is our congregation-wide effort to help local families by providing them with toys and warm clothing for their children, small gifts for the parents and food for Christmas. We sponsor families through Samaritan House’s Family Sharing Program. One of the major reasons that we established the Giving Tree—besides wanting to help local families in need -- was to provide a way for our children to practice thinking about and responding to the needs of others—in other words taking the time during the busy Advent season to “act out our mission”—using our gifts to make a difference for others. The other reason is that it provides an avenue for all of us to help our neighbors in need during the “giving season.”

There are a variety of ways to help with St. Paul’s Giving Tree —

1) Choose one or more tags from the Giving Tree for the gifts and/or food that you or your family would like to provide

2) Help with the organizing the Giving Tree gifts (we need help on Sunday, December 17 at 9am sorting food and wrapping gifts)

3) Help deliver after the 10am service on Sunday, December 17. Only a little time is required and is richly rewarded through the feeling that comes from “sharing and caring” for others.


If you’d like to help but prefer not to shop, St. Paul’s elves will do it for you (for St. Paul’s Giving Tree). Please send us a check:  St. Paul's Episcopal Church, c/o  Giving Tree, 415 El Camino Real, Burlingame, CA 94010. Or, give it to the office or any vestry or clergy to pass on.

To volunteer, to sign up for food/gifts, or for questions, please call Tish Busselle at (650) 343-2068 or email her.

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