All are welcome!
In Person Sunday Services in the Sanctuary each week.
Worship Schedule
Sundays | 8am
Holy Eucharist
Coffee Hour to immediately follow
Sundays | 10am
Holy Eucharist
with Choir
Family seating available in the Chapel/PrayGrounds
Child Care offered when requested
Children's Chapel in the Classrooms for the first half of the service beginning September 8
Hospitali-tea immediately follows
Sundays | 1pm
Holy Eucharist in Tongan language
Upcoming services:
September 1 & 29
October 6, 13, 27
November 10 & 17
December 1, 8, 22
Sundays | 1pm
You are invited to come together, alive, in the song and silence of the prayer service of Evensong this Lent. The Choir of St. Paul’s will sing on Feb.18th. The March 10th Evensong will be sung by Youth Choir Festival West with 45 youth from St. Paul’s; St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle; & Trinity Cathedral, Portland, Oregon.
Lent, Holy Week, & Easter Schedule
Ash Wednesday | 8am
Burlingame Cal-Train Station
Ash Wednesday | 12noon & 7pm
Encounter commuters and pray with folks in our wider community at the local Cal-Train station. Contact Rev. Sarah or Bill Phillips to be involved in our outreach efforts that morning.
Make a holy start to the season of Lent with Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes. Baritone Josh Black will serve as cantor at noon, and the Choir of St. Paul’s will lead the music of the 7pm service, which will include congregational hymns and a new choral setting of the Miserere (Psalm 51) by Katie Burk Webb.
Choral Evensong in Lent | 4pm
February 18 & March 10
You are invited to come together, alive, in the song and silence of the prayer service of Evensong this Lent. The Choir of St. Paul’s will sing on Feb.18th. The March 10th Evensong will be sung by Youth Choir Festival West with 45 youth from St. Paul’s; St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle; & Trinity Cathedral, Portland, Oregon.
Mid-Week Prayer at St. Paul’s
Wednesdays, February 21 through March 20
12:30-1pm | Chapel
Connect with the divine through contemplative practice in community. Grow your awareness of God’s presence in daily life during our Lenten journey! Contact Rev. Sarah with questions.
Palm Sunday Eucharist
with Outdoor Procession
March 24 | 8am & 10am
Gather in Skillings Garden as we commemorate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem with palm branches, then move inside the church for a dramatic reading of the Passion and Holy Eucharist.
Holy Thursday Agape Meal
March 28 | 5:30pm
Maundy Thursday
March 28 | 7pm
Build friendships over a simple meal. Reflect on how love calls us to serve. Create “blessing bags” for sharing in San Mateo County. RSVP here.
Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing
Good Friday
Prayers at the Cross
March 29 | 7pm
Hold space to honor the passion and cross of Jesus, giving thanks for the mystery of God’s saving love.
The Great Vigil of Easter
(Saturday Evening)
March 30 | 7:30pm
This ancient rite begins in darkness and moves toward resurrection light, immersing us in symbols, songs, and stories of salvation, from the kindling of the Great Fire with a hint of incense (outdoors in Skillings Garden), to taper candles and bells that enliven our Eucharistic celebration of the Risen Lord.
Easter Sunday
March 31 | 9am (children's homily)
March 31 | 11:15am
Easter Egg Hunt
March 31 | 10:30am
Celebrate the mystery of God’s love that raised Jesus from the dead in this beautiful choral Eucharist with instrumentals and choir. Decorate our community cross with blossoms and greens brought from your home or chosen from supplies available on Easter morning. Enjoy a festive community coffee hour as we cheer little ones in their classic hunt for sweet treats hidden around the campus.